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COLBjSffiUS, Ohio — Ohio Peniten- 
mry inmate Myron Billett claims one 
^ C^rai iDtelligence Agency 

(CIA) ^^Ssy hO with nine years 
^oipiss the a^i^iiiaMoh M iifB 
Key. On Man^ni jLuther King Jr* was a 
in the Wat^gate seandal. 

: BiQet^ 52, .As Paul BuceUIi, says 
ge wB di^e the names (tf CIA aid 
FBI agents who he daias offered the 
, fl million to kill Dr, King, but 

; Wly to the House Committee im 

. The convict, who daims he was an 
: i^y J«r flie FBI while work- 

^ fw tte ASa, says he has inforaih- 
tiOB finking both the CIA and FBI with 

®^Evan, chid Investigator for the 
assasAtfep ccAjittee,^^^®^^ 
h^n mdAI to intmiew ®^tt by 
ft . SiWis 'Stdtes, &Ddo, co^irdtoee 

, dimrinmi, i 

i j?® Scripps-How/ 

fWs Ohto Bai«au revealed Billett’s 
« totraton to testify de^te Ms feaii 

y ; ' wtbydoingsohewouldt Aee Ws Bi^ 

tejeoraaidy. s ^ v 

; ; . , Biflett, who has %ryed nish# fonr\ 

of a si^teBte Amt anned f ohbary, 
y t^d he decided to ^ his stojy aft^ 

f ■ ' ■ ,the iffis^anatioK^^d i 

. ■ ■ i John' F. Kenndly and 

ft r 'dld'a: wpiA^^ 

y j , ' ^ '^P A medM^ 

, j y ,. ,• &nna*y the dA and"!^ 

^SH«to ffld^^^lo GamiBim, who headed 
ftf: A <rfNjpvX*rkSMA, families. 

&?" ' ■ j’ *3s at d Seaway. motels 

j^lfett said th/^ 

ft&yi ^S^^^^S<Aate his stA. 

;y';ft/H< by a dose assodae 

At fS^iiine was mere wifii h^ 

s yyi : WO (®e FBI agent 

;, y : Awd pfitp^r-Ag meeting that% 
© ■ft i ; whoi A federal ageds 

y" ;y “have to mdte oAr 

" ^ries of and fail mA^ioos . 


^ng^jaeupeted^A as sadne- 
We wouldnTteA; A HA ddd A 

nny ^ount of inonoy.’^ “ 

Oanibi^ tolA the ngests the 
^ and <M of (the 

(President) K^ut^y assasrinatlOB pn d 
^t well Icaye assas^ndtion (of 

King) op to yon p^ple.'^ 

Evans Said stature as a wit- 

nm wos heighten^ by the fact that 
Billett, in letters to the Scripps-Howard 
piuo Bureau last year, told of meetings 
between Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack 
Ruby two we^ before Presidait 
Kennedy was assastemati^. 

A former strij)tea?fe dancer now 
married to a Texas eva^dist told 
assassinaUons commits investigators 
earlier this month i^t Ruby introduced 
to (fewald at Ri%’s Dallas, Tex*, 5 

1976 lett^ m M J 

' ie^er^ i 

and John ^elB, ^ho told government 1 

hL K ena- i 

A deaths of Ijid 
“Are is onfyiA.^iijs ijft 
connect A ^ f 
